Topshelf Challenge-7/11 - 7/20

AA / A - July 11th - July 13th
AAA - AA - July 18th - July 20th
Tournament Information
- All Tournaments are a 4 game minimum
- Team Trophy, Medals for all finalists(Bantams and Younger)
- Stanley Cup Replica for Champions - Photo with the Cup
- Live scoring updates online and up to the minute standings
- A friendly, professional staff eager to help during the entire tournament
Tournament Format
- Teams will play at their 2025 - 2026 birth year designations.
- Mite (Half-Ice) - 2 x 20 minute Halves running time , line changes on the fly
- Full Ice Mites - 2 x 17 Min Halves, stop time
- Squirt - 2 x 17 Min Halves, stop time
- PeeWee and Bantam - 2 x 18 Min Halves, stop time
- Midget 2 x 19 Min Halves, stop time
Spring / Summer Birth Years
- Full Ice Mites - 2018 / 2017
- Squirt - 2016 / 2015
- Peewee - 2014 / 2013
- U13 - 2012
- Bantam - 2012 / 2011
- Tag up offsides
- Running Clock when teams are up by 5 goals in the second half, stopped clocks resume when game gets to with in 2 goals
- Icing on Penalty kill is allowed
Topshelf Challenge-7/11 - 7/20